Bartosz Bończak

Data Science | Urban Informatics | Civic Analytics

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I am a Research Scientist at New York University’s Marron Institute of Urban Management and a Manager at Urban Intelligence Lab.

I use data science to address pressing social, environmental and operational challenges faced in cities. In my research, I am exploring complex relationships and processes governing todays metropolises in an effort to advance the field of Urban Science. Specifically, I am focusing on understanding and mitigating the effects of climate change in the cities, studying the patterns of urban mobility and assessing the impact of urban morphology on various aspects of quality of life.

I received M.S. in Urban Science and Informatics from NYU’s Center for Urban Science and Progress (NYU CUSP), as well as B.S. and M.S. in Geography from University of Lodz, Poland. Prior to joining Marron Institute, I was a Research Scientist at CUSP and an Assistant Researcher at Department of Geographical Sciences of Univeristy of Lodz.